Village Development Council: Action Sequence
Putting a Village Development Council into place that provides broad community engagement will require systematic opportunities for people to hear about the concept and participate in its development. The launch team has suggested the following sequence of activity:
- Publish the village development concept and engagement opportunities in the Focus and Shawnigan Times
- Hold information and engagement sessions as part of the agenda of the Area Director meetings to be held on the first Monday of each month – 7pm at the Shawnigan Lake Community Centre beginning February 6th, 2012
- Add members to the village launch team by recruiting those interested, either as direct responses to the news articles or from participants at Directors meetings
- Hold a village development public meeting in late February/early March specifically to flesh out the village engagement process, brainstorm possible goals and projects and set up the working membership
- Hold a Saturday workshop for the working membership to establish terms of reference, outline the elements of a master plan and discuss priorities for projects that should be tackled in both the short and long term, who should champion them and how supporting funds should be sought
- Hold publicly accessible planning meetings of the working group periodically as master planning and project development proceeds
- Publish emerging results regularly in the local media and provide progress reports monthly at Director’s meetings